Anishinaabe Art

A collaboration with Native Artists and Allies to teach and learn Anishinaabe art methods that have been passed down for generations.

Upcoming Workshops (see all):


Since 2018, we’ve collaborated with Native Artists and Allies to teach and learn Anishinaabe art methods that have been passed down for generations. We encourage the community to learn and create contemporary forms of Anishinaabe art in addition to traditional art. Our work is multigenerational and inclusive. We prioritize safe spaces and believe our art is an opportunity for connection and healing.

Art workshops we’ve offered and continue to offer include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Building birch bark canoes with artists and new apprentices (we have completed 3 community canoes)

  • Birch bark basketry of numerous kinds including makuks and winnowing baskets

  • Jewelry making

  • Winter bark etching

  • Brain-tanning hides

  • Painting on brain-tanned hides with fish eggs and earth pigments

  • Creating star maps for storytelling

  • Creating regalia and ceremonial quilts

  • Learning to create beadwork

  • Sewing

  • Woodworking of various kinds including making Snow Snakes

  • Drum and Dance

  • Anishinaabe Storytelling